PyGPlates 1.0.0rc1 released

PyGPlates 1.0.0rc1 released

PyGPlates enables access to GPlates functionality via the Python programming language.

Install PyGPlates 1.0.0rc1:-

PyGPlates can now be installed using conda or pip.

Please see the installation instructions in the pyGPlates documentation.

Note: The old method of installing a pre-compiled binary package is no longer available. This involved extracting a zip file (or installing a Debian package) and then manually adding the installed location to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

What's new in PyGPlates 1.0.0rc1:-

Note: This version (1.0.0rc1) is a pre-release of version 1.0.0 (the rc means it's a release candidate). The final version 1.0.0 will have the same functionality (when it is released in January 2025). This release is mainly to ensure there are no issues caused by the introduction of pip support (and to a lesser extent conda support) when the final version 1.0.0 is released.

  • Can now install pyGPlates using conda:
    • PyGPlates conda-forge packages can be installed with:
      conda install -c conda-forge pygplates

      Note: For this pre-release (1.0.0rc1) it's actually:

      conda install -c conda-forge/label/pygplates_rc -c conda-forge pygplates
  • Can now install pyGPlates using pip:
    • PyGPlates pip wheels can be installed with:
      pip install pygplates
  • Added a new Primer chapter in the pyGPlates documentation:
    • Currently documents how to use topologies and deformation.
      • Still a work in progress.
    • Purpose is to show users how to use pyGPlates.
      • Aim to comprehensively cover functionality in pyGPlates.
      • Complements the sample codes.
  • Added pickle support:
    • This means pyGPlates can now be used in multi-processing workflows,
      • where a multi-processing module will serialise pyGPlates objects into queues, and
      • de-serialise back into pyGPlates objects for processing on a different CPUs/nodes.
    • Most pyGPlates classes can be pickled.
      • This includes feature collections, features, and feature properties.
      • However, any classes containing reconstructed geometries cannot be pickled.
      • Each class will document whether it can be pickled or not.
  • Filenames in pyGPlates can be os.PathLike in addition to strings:
  • Added ReconstructModel and ReconstructSnapshot classes:
    • Similar to TopologicalModel and TopologicalSnapshot,
      • but for regular reconstruction instead of resolving topologies.
    • Better than using the reconstruct() function.
      • Just like TopologicalModel and TopologicalSnapshot are better than using the resolve_topologies() function.
  • Added net rotation:
  • Can generate statistics along plate boundaries (at uniformly spaced points):
  • Improved velocities and deformation:


Documentation and tutorials are available on the User Documentation page.

The pyGPlates Documentation includes:

Note: The Primer chapter is new and is a work in progress.

The pyGPlates Tutorials are Jupyter Notebooks that analyse and visualise real-world data using pyGPlates. These tutorials complement the sample code in the pyGPlates documentation by providing a more research-oriented focus.