Getting started

This document covers installation of pyGPlates and a tutorial to get you started using pyGPlates.

Installing pyGPlates

This section covers the installation of pyGPlates.

Starting with version 1.0, pyGPlates can now be installed using conda or pip.


We recommend installing pyGPlates using conda (since it is designed with binary Python extensions, like pyGPlates, in mind). However we also provide comprehensive support for pip (via our binary wheels).

Alternatively, you can install pyGPlates from source code. However, that requires installing the required dependency libraries and compilation tools.


Be sure to remove the locations of any pyGPlates versions older than 1.0 from the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
Otherwise you will likely get an ImportError when pygplates gets imported.


Prior to version 1.0, pyGPlates was manually installed using pre-compiled binaries (zip files for Windows and macOS, and Debian packages for Ubuntu). And this required setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable to point to the manually installed location.
The instructions for installing these old versions are no longer available online. So, if you are installing an old version, please download the documentation zip file from the same location that you downloaded the old version of pyGPlates. For example, if you downloaded pyGPlates 0.36 then also download and follow its installation instructions.

Install using conda

PyGPlates installed using conda supports:

  • Platforms:

    • Windows (x86-64),

    • macOS (x86-64) and macOS (ARM64),

    • Linux (x86-64), Linux (ARM64) and Linux (PPC64LE).

  • Python:

    • Version 3.9 - 3.13.

  • NumPy:

    • Version 2.x and 1.x.

To install the latest stable version of pyGPlates type the following in a terminal or command window (on macOS and Ubuntu this is a Terminal window, and on Windows you’ll need to open an Anaconda prompt from the Start menu):

conda install -c conda-forge/label/pygplates_rc -c conda-forge pygplates


Since the current release is a pre-release (release candidate 1.0.0rc1), it is in a special release candidate channel conda-forge/label/pygplates_rc (which must be specified before the main channel conda-forge). If you don’t do this then you’ll install the older unofficial version 0.39 from the main channel.

We recommend installing pyGPlates into a new conda environment. For example, the following creates and activates a Python 3.12 environment named pygplates_py312 containing pyGPlates and all its dependency libraries:

conda create -n pygplates_py312 -c conda-forge/label/pygplates_rc -c conda-forge python=3.12 pygplates
conda activate pygplates_py312

Now you can use pyGPlates. For example, to see the pyGPlates version:

python -c "import pygplates; print(pygplates.__version__)"

And packages that depend on pyGPlates can still use the release candidate of pyGPlates. For example, if you want gplately to use pygplates-1.0.0rc1 (instead of pygplates-0.39):

conda create -n gplately_env -c conda-forge/label/pygplates_rc -c conda-forge gplately
conda activate gplately_env

Install using pip

PyGPlates installed using pip supports (via our binary wheels):

  • Platforms:

    • Windows (x86-64),

    • macOS 10.15+ (x86-64) and macOS 11.0+ (ARM64),

    • Linux (x86-64) and Linux (ARM64).

      • Our manylinux wheels are compatible with Linux distros using glibc 2.17 or later.

      • Eg, Ubuntu 13.10+, Debian 8+, Fedora 19+, CentOS/RHEL 7+.

  • Python:

    • Version 3.8 - 3.13.

      • Except 3.13 not yet available on macOS.

  • NumPy:

    • Version 1.24+ (for Python 3.8):

      • Make sure your NumPy version is 1.24+ to avoid a binary incompatible error.

      • This will be fixed in the final release 1.0.0. The current release is a pre-release (1.0.0rc1).

    • Version 2.x and 1.x (for Python 3.9 and later).

On macOS or Linux, to install the latest stable version of pyGPlates type the following in a terminal:

python -m pip install pygplates

On Windows, to install the latest stable version of pyGPlates type the following in a command window:

py -m pip install pygplates


On the Windows platform, py installs into the default version of Python (if you have multiple Python installations). However you can install into a specific Python version. For example, to install into Python 3.12 replace py with py -3.12.

We recommend installing pyGPlates into a new virtual environment. For example, you can create and activate a Python environment named pygplates_venv that will contain pyGPlates (and all its dependency shared libraries). This creates a sub-directory called pygplates_venv in the current directory.

On macOS or Linux:

python -m venv pygplates_venv
source pygplates_venv/bin/activate

On Windows:

py -m venv pygplates_venv

Then you can install pyGPlates into the activated environment with:

python -m pip install pygplates


You can use python on all platforms (once a virtual environment has been activated). You do not need to use py on Windows.

Now you can use pyGPlates. For example, to see the pyGPlates version:

python -c "import pygplates; print(pygplates.__version__)"

And other packages can also be installed (such as packages that depend on pyGPlates). For example, if you want to create an environment containing gplately (that will use the latest pygplates).

On macOS or Linux:

python -m venv gplately_venv
source gplately_venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install pygplates gplately

On Windows:

py -m venv gplately_venv
python -m pip install pygplates gplately


We explicitly specified pygplates (in addition to gplately). However, once GPlately 2.0 is released you will only need to specify gplately since it will automatically install pygplates (as a new explicit dependency).

Install from source code

The first step is to obtain the source code for the current pyGPlates release by checking out the release/pygplates-1.0 branch of the GPlates GitHub repository. Or you can check out the pyGPlates development branch pygplates (if you want the latest unofficial updates).


You’ll first need to install git (if you don’t already have it).

In a terminal or command window, type the following to download the GPlates repository and switch to the release/pygplates-1.0 branch (replacing <parent-of-source-code-dir> with the directory you want to download the repository into):

cd <parent-of-source-code-dir>
git clone
cd GPlates
git switch release/pygplates-1.0

Then follow the instructions in DEPS.Linux (on Linux), DEPS.OSX (on macOS) or DEPS.Windows (on Windows) to install the dependency libraries required by pyGPlates (and to install the compilation tools). These instructions are in the root directory of the source code.

Once the dependency libraries (and compilation tools) have been installed then you can compile and install pyGPlates.


As described in Install using pip, it is recommended to install pyGPlates into a new virtual environment.
On the Windows platform, the following assumes you have created and activated a virtual environment (if not, then replace python with py).

To compile pyGPlates and install it into Python (along with its dependency shared libraries), type the following (assuming you are currently in the root directory of the source code - see cd GPlates above):

python -m pip install .

Now you can use pyGPlates. For example, to see the pyGPlates version:

python -c "import pygplates; print(pygplates.__version__)"


The dependency shared libraries are installed without giving them unique names. If you find that import pygplates generates shared library conflicts, then a more robust installation method is to build a Python wheel, then install the shared library dependencies into the wheel (using auditwheel on Linux, delocate on macOS or delvewheel on Windows), and then install the wheel. This avoids potential issues with binary dependency conflicts from other installed Python packages that have the same dependencies as pyGPlates (eg, the GDAL dependency). The build scripts in the pygplates/wheel directory (of the source code) build wheels in this way. In fact these scripts are used to generate the pyGPlates wheels that are uploaded to PyPI (and in turn used by pip install pygplates).


This tutorial first provides a fundamental overview of functions and classes. And then covers the steps to set up and run a simple pyGPlates script.

What are functions and classes ?


Essentially a function accepts arguments, does some work and then optionally returns a value. The function arguments allow data to be passed to and from the function. Input arguments pass data to the function and output arguments pass data from the function back to the caller. The function return value is also another way to pass data back to the caller. A function argument can be both input and output if the function first reads from it (input) and then writes to it (output).

An example pyGPlates function call is reconstructing coastlines to 10Ma:

pygplates.reconstruct('coastlines.gpmlz', 'rotations.rot', 'reconstructed_coastlines_10Ma.shp', 10)


The pygplates. in front of reconstruct() means the reconstruct() function belongs to the pygplates module. Also this particular function doesn’t need to a return value.

All four parameters are input parameters since they only pass data to the function (even though 'reconstructed_coastlines_10Ma.shp' specifies the filename to write the output to).

A similar use of the pygplates.reconstruct() function appends the reconstructed coastlines to a Python list (instead of writing to a file):

reconstructed_coastline_geometries = []
pygplates.reconstruct('coastlines.gpmlz', 'rotations.rot', reconstructed_coastline_geometries, 10)

# Do something with the reconstructed output.
for reconstructed_geometry in reconstructed_coastline_geometries:

The parameter reconstructed_coastline_geometries is now an output parameter because it is used to pass data from the function back to the caller so that the caller can do something with it.


Primarily a class is a way to group some data together as a single entity.

An object can be created (instantiated) from a class by providing a specific initial state. For example, a reconstruct model object can be created (instantiated) from the pygplates.ReconstructModel class by giving it the features to reconstruct and the rotations used to reconstruct them:

reconstruct_coastlines_model = pyglates.ReconstructModel('coastlines.gpmlz', 'rotations.rot')


This looks like a regular pygplates function call (such as pygplates.reconstruct()) but this is just how you create (instantiate) an object from a class with a specific initial state. Python uses the special method name __init__() for this and you will see these special methods documented in the classes listed in the reference section.

You can then call functions (methods) on the reconstruct model object such as reconstructing to a specific reconstruction time (this particular method returns a reconstruct snapshot object):

reconstruct_coastlines_snapshot = reconstruct_coastlines_model.reconstruct_snapshot(10)

The reconstruct_coastlines_model. before the reconstruct_snapshot(10) means the reconstruct_snapshot() function (method) applies to the reconstruct_coastlines_model object. And reconstruct_snapshot() will be one of several functions (methods) documented in the pygplates.ReconstructModel class.

These class methods behave similarly to top-level functions (such as pygplates.reconstruct()) except they operate on an instance of class. Hence a class method has an implicit first function argument that is the object itself (for example, reconstruct_coastlines_model is the implicit argument in reconstruct_coastlines_snapshot = reconstruct_coastlines_model.reconstruct_snapshot(10)).

Since the returned reconstruct snapshot is another object, you can in turn call one of its methods. For example:


…to save the reconstructed snapshot (at 10 Ma) to the Shapefile reconstructed_coastlines_10Ma.shp.

A similar use of the reconstruct snapshot class returns the reconstructed coastlines as a Python list (instead of writing to a file):

reconstructed_coastline_geometries = reconstruct_coastlines_snapshot.get_reconstructed_geometries()

# Do something with the reconstructed output.
for reconstructed_geometry in reconstructed_coastline_geometries:


The above example (using classes) demonstrates the alternative to using the pygplates.reconstruct() function.


A complete list of pyGPlates functions and classes can be found in the reference section.

Introductory pyGPlates script


Before starting this section please make sure you have installed pyGPlates.

Source code

Our introductory pyGPlates Python script will contain the following lines of source code:

import pygplates

reconstruct_coastlines_model = pyglates.ReconstructModel('coastlines.gpmlz', 'rotations.rot')

reconstruct_coastlines_snapshot = reconstruct_coastlines_model.reconstruct_snapshot(10)

The first statement…

import pygplates
…tells Python to load pyGPlates.
This needs to be done before pyGPlates can be used in subsequent statements.


There are other ways to import pyGPlates but this is the simplest and most common way.

The remaining statements…

reconstruct_coastlines_model = pyglates.ReconstructModel('coastlines.gpmlz', 'rotations.rot')

reconstruct_coastlines_snapshot = reconstruct_coastlines_model.reconstruct_snapshot(10)

…will reconstruct coastlines (loaded from the coastlines.gpmlz file) to their location 10 million years ago (Ma) using the plate rotations in the rotations.rot file, and then save those reconstructed locations to the Shapefile reconstructed_coastlines_10Ma.shp.

Setting up the script

First of all we need to create the Python script. This is essentially just a text file with the .py filename extension.
To do this copy the above lines of source code into a new file called (eg, using a text editor).


You may want to create a sub-directory in your home directory (such as pygplates_tutorial) to place the Python script and data files in.

Next we need the data files containing the coastlines and rotations.
This data is available in the GPlates geodata.
For example, in the GPlates 2.5 geodata, the coastlines file is called Global_EarthByte_GPlates_PresentDay_Coastlines.gpmlz and the rotations file is called Zahirovic_etal_2022_OptimisedMantleRef_and_NNRMantleRef.rot.
Copy those files to the pygplates_tutorial directory and rename them as coastlines.gpmlz and rotations.rot. Alternatively the filenames (and paths) could be changed in the script to match the geodata.

Next open up a terminal or command window (on macOS and Ubuntu this is a Terminal window, and on Windows this is a Command window).

Then change the current working directory to the directory containing the file.
For example, on macOS or Linux:
cd ~/pygplates_tutorial

Running the script

Next run the Python script by typing:


Output of the script

There should now be a reconstructed_coastlines_10Ma.shp file containing the reconstructed coastline locations at ten million years ago (10Ma).
This Shapefile can be loaded into the GPlates desktop application to see these locations on the globe.