This document lists the Python functions and classes that make up the GPlates Python Application Programming Interface (API) known as pyGPlates.
Please see the installation section for information on how to install pyGPlates.
Please see the tutorial section to help get you started using pyGPlates.
Classes to query the history of reconstructions:
A history of reconstructed geometries over geological time. |
A snapshot of reconstructed regular features (including motion paths and flowlines) at a specific geological time. |
Function to reconstruct backward and forward in time:
Reconstruct regular geological features (including motion paths and flowlines) to a specific geological time. |
Reverse reconstruct geological features from a specific geological time. |
Classes resulting from reconstructing
at a particular reconstruction time.
The geometry of a feature reconstructed to a geological time. |
The reconstructed history of plate motion away from a spreading ridge in the form of a path of points over geological time. |
The reconstructed history of a plate's motion in the form of a path of points over geological time. |
All three above reconstructed feature types inherit from:
The base class inherited by all derived reconstruction geometry classes. |
Classes to query the history of a topological model, and reconstruct regular features using it:
A history of topologies over geological time. |
A snapshot of resolved topological features (lines, boundaries and networks) at a specific geological time. |
A history of geometries |
Locates a point in a specific resolved topological boundary or network (deforming region or interior rigid block). |
Parameters to control how topologies are resolved:
Parameters used to resolve topologies. |
Function to resolve topologies:
Resolve topological features (lines, boundaries and networks) to a specific geological time. |
Classes resulting from resolving
at a particular reconstruction time.
The geometry of a topological line feature resolved to a geological time. |
The geometry of a topological boundary feature resolved to a geological time. |
The geometry of a topological network feature resolved to a geological time. |
All three above resolved topology types inherit from:
The base class inherited by all derived reconstruction geometry classes. |
The following class represents a sub-segment of a single resolved topological line, boundary or network.
The subset of vertices of a reconstructed topological section that contribute to the geometry of a resolved topology. |
The following classes represent sub-segments shared by one or more resolved topological boundaries and/or networks.
The sequence of shared sub-segments of a reconstructed topological section that uniquely contribute to the boundaries of one or more resolved topologies. |
The shared subset of vertices of a reconstructed topological section that uniquely contribute to the boundaries of one or more resolved topologies. |
The following class contains the triangulation of the deforming region of a resolved topological network.
The Delaunay triangulation of a |
Velocity and strain
Functions to calculate velocities:
Calculate velocities at a sequence of points assuming movement due to a finite rotation over a time interval. |
The following classes represent strain rate and strain (at a particular surface location).
The strain at a particular location (parcel of crust) is tracked over time and represents the accumulated deformation undergone by that parcel of crust. |
The strain rate at a particular location (parcel of crust) represents the rate at which deformation occurs at that parcel of crust. |
The following class contains statistics (like convergence velocity) at a point on a plate boundary.
Statistics at a point on a plate boundary. |
is the main class for getting finite and stage rotations from rotation models/files.FiniteRotation
is a useful maths class for rotating geometries (and vectors).NetRotationModel
is for calculating net rotation of topological plates and deforming networks.Query a finite rotation of a moving plate relative to any other plate, optionally between two instants in geological time. |
Represents the motion of plates on the surface of the globe. |
Net rotation of topological plates and deforming networks. |
Net rotation snapshot of topological plates and deforming networks at a particular reconstruction time. |
Net rotation of regional or global crust. |
is only needed for very advanced scenarios.
Represents the plate-reconstruction hierarchy of total reconstruction poles at an instant in geological time. |
A reconstruction tree edge represents a moving/fixed plate pair in the graph of the plate-reconstruction hierarchy. |
Functions to find and fix finite rotation crossovers (transitions of fixed plate):
Find crossovers in rotation features. |
Synchronise crossovers in rotation features. |
Plate Partitioning
Functions to partition into plates:
Partition features into plates. |
Classes to partition into plates:
Partition features or geometries into plates. |
File I/O
Classes that read/write data from/to files:
A feature collection aggregates a set of features into a collection. |
is the main class to go to for querying/setting geological feature properties.
The feature is an abstract model of some geological or plate-tectonic object or concept of interest defined by the GPlates Geological Information Model (GPGIM). |
A feature collection aggregates a set of features into a collection. |
Feature property
A feature
is essentially a list of properties
where each property has a name
and a value
is only needed for very advanced scenarios.
Associates a property name with a property value. |
The namespace-qualified name of a property. |
The base class inherited by all derived property value classes. |
The base class inherited by all derived property value visitor classes. |
Feature property value
can contain.PropertyValue
Some of these property values can be obtained more easily using Feature
A property value that represents a finite set of accepted (string) values per enumeration type. |
A data block that associates each scalar type with a sequence of floating-point scalar values. |
A property value representing a polyline geometry. |
A property value representing a multi-point geometry. |
A property value representing a polyline geometry with a positive or negative orientation. |
A property value representing a point geometry. |
A property value representing a polygon geometry. |
A property value representing an instant in geological time. |
A property value representing a period in geological time (time of appearance to time of disappearance). |
A sequence of property value elements. |
A property value that represents a finite rotation. |
A dictionary of key/value pairs that associates string keys with integer, float or string values. |
A property value containing metadata inherited from imported PLATES data files. |
A property value that represents a plate id. |
A property value that identifies an |
A property value that represents a boolean value. |
A property value that represents a double-precision floating-point number. |
A property value that represents an integer number. |
A property value that represents a string. |
The following subset of property value classes represent topological lines, polygons and networks.
A topological line geometry that is resolved from topological sections. |
A topological polygon geometry that is resolved from topological sections. |
A topological deforming network that is resolved from boundary topological sections and interior geometries. |
The following subset of property value classes represent the topological sections that topologies are created from.
The base class inherited by all derived topological section property value classes. |
A list of |
A topological section referencing a point geometry. |
A topological section referencing a line geometry. |
A property value that represents a reference, or delegation, to a property in another feature. |
A list of |
The following subset of property value classes are time-dependent wrappers.
These are what enable the above property values
to vary over geological time.
There is currently limited support for time-dependent properties.
The most basic case of a time-dependent property value is one that is constant for all time. The other two types are |
A time-dependent property consisting of a sequence of time samples irregularly spaced in time. |
A time-dependent property consisting of a sequence of time windows each with a constant property value. |
The following time sample and time window classes are used by the above time-dependent wrappers to
contain property values
A time sample associates an arbitrary property value with a specific time instant. |
A list of |
A time window associates an arbitrary property value with a specific time period. |
A list of |
There are four types of geometry:
Represents a point on the surface of the unit length sphere in 3D cartesian coordinates. |
Represents a multi-point (collection of points) on the surface of the unit length sphere. |
Represents a polyline on the surface of the unit length sphere. |
Represents a polygon on the surface of the unit length sphere. |
All four above geometry types inherit from:
The base class inherited by all derived classes representing geometries on the sphere. |
A polyline
or a polygon
both a sequence of points
and a sequence of
(between adjacent points).
Each segment is a great circle arc:
A great-circle arc on the surface of the unit globe. |
There is also a latitude/longitude version of a point:
Represents a point in 2D geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). |
A vector class, and conversions between global cartesian and local magnitude/azimuth/inclination:
A local cartesian coordinate system located at a point on the sphere. |
Represents a vector in 3D cartesian coordinates. |
String-type classes used in various areas of pyGPlates:
The namespace-qualified type of an enumeration. |
A feature ID acts as a persistent unique identifier for a feature. |
The namespace-qualified type of a feature. |
The namespace-qualified name of a property. |
The namespace-qualified type of scalar values. |
General utility classes:
Wraps geometries to the dateline. |
Various Earth-related parameters (such as radius). |
A utility class for extracting features from collections and files. |
Represents an instant in geological time. |
A version of pyGPlates (GPlates Python API). |