Reconstruct motion path features
This example shows a couple of different scenarios involving the reconstruction of motion path features to geological times.
See also
See also
Exported reconstructed motion paths to a file
In this example we reconstruct motion path features and export the results to a Shapefile.
See also
Create a motion path feature and Query a motion path feature
Sample code
import pygplates
# Load one or more rotation files into a rotation model.
rotation_model = pygplates.RotationModel('rotations.rot')
# Create a reconstruct model from some motion path features and the rotation model.
reconstruct_model = pygplates.ReconstructModel('motion_path_features.gpml', rotation_model)
# Reconstruct features to this geological time.
reconstruction_time = 50
# The filename of the exported reconstructed motion paths.
# It's a shapefile called 'motion_path_output_50Ma.shp'.
export_filename = 'motion_path_output_{0}Ma.shp'.format(reconstruction_time)
# Reconstruct the motion paths to the reconstruction time and export them to a shapefile.
reconstruct_snapshot = reconstruct_model.reconstruct_snapshot(reconstruction_time)
The rotations are loaded from a rotation file into a pygplates.RotationModel
rotation_model = pygplates.RotationModel('rotations.rot')
Create a reconstruct model
from the motion path features and the rotation model.
reconstruct_model = pygplates.ReconstructModel('motion_path_features.gpml', rotation_model)
The motion path features will be reconstructed to their 50Ma positions.
reconstruction_time = 50
to 50Ma.export the reconstructed geometries
to a file.pygplates.ReconstructType.motion_path
for the reconstruct_type argument.reconstruct_snapshot = reconstruct_model.reconstruct_snapshot(reconstruction_time)
We should now have a file called motion_path_output_50Ma.shp
containing the motion paths
reconstructed to their 50Ma positions.
Query a reconstructed motion path
In this example we print out the point locations in a reconstructed motion path.
Sample code
import pygplates
# Specify two (lat/lon) seed points on the present-day African coastline.
seed_points = pygplates.MultiPointOnSphere(
(-19, 12.5),
(-28, 15.7)
# A list of times to sample the motion path - from 0 to 90Ma in 1My intervals.
times = range(0, 91, 1)
# Create a motion path feature.
motion_path_feature = pygplates.Feature.create_motion_path(
valid_time=(max(times), min(times)),
# Load one or more rotation files into a rotation model.
rotation_model = pygplates.RotationModel('rotations.rot')
# Create a reconstruct model from the motion path feature and the rotation model.
reconstruct_model = pygplates.ReconstructModel(motion_path_feature, rotation_model)
# Reconstruct features to this geological time.
reconstruction_time = 50
# Reconstruct the motion path feature to the reconstruction time.
reconstruct_snapshot = reconstruct_model.reconstruct_snapshot(reconstruction_time)
reconstructed_motion_paths = reconstruct_snapshot.get_reconstructed_geometries(
# Iterate over all reconstructed motion paths.
# There will be two (one for each seed point).
for reconstructed_motion_path in reconstructed_motion_paths:
# Print the motion path plate IDs.
print 'Motion path: %d relative to %d at %fMa' % (
# Print the reconstructed seed point location.
print ' reconstructed seed point: lat: %f, lon: %f' % reconstructed_motion_path.get_reconstructed_seed_point().to_lat_lon()
motion_path_times = reconstructed_motion_path.get_feature().get_times()
# Iterate over the points in the motion path.
for point_index, point in enumerate(reconstructed_motion_path.get_motion_path()):
lat, lon = point.to_lat_lon()
# The first point in the path is the oldest and the last point is the youngest.
# So we need to start at the last time and work our way backwards.
time = motion_path_times[-1-point_index]
# Print the point location and the time associated with it.
print ' time: %f, lat: %f, lon: %f' % (time, lat, lon)
seed_points = pygplates.MultiPointOnSphere([(-19, 12.5), (-28, 15.7)])
times = range(0, 91, 1)
motion_path_feature = pygplates.Feature.create_motion_path(
valid_time=(max(times), min(times)),
The rotations are loaded from a rotation file into a pygplates.RotationModel
rotation_model = pygplates.RotationModel('rotations.rot')
Create a reconstruct model
from the motion path feature and the rotation model.
reconstruct_model = pygplates.ReconstructModel(motion_path_feature, rotation_model)
The motion path feature will be reconstructed to its 50Ma position.
reconstruction_time = 50
to 50Ma.query the reconstructed geometries
for the reconstruct_types argument.reconstruct_snapshot = reconstruct_model.reconstruct_snapshot(reconstruction_time)
reconstructed_motion_paths = reconstruct_snapshot.get_reconstructed_geometries(
reconstructed motion path
and print each point location and its associated time.-1
and point_index
starts at zero.
So our time indices are -1
, -2
, etc, which means last sample, then second last sample, etc.for point_index, point in enumerate(reconstructed_motion_path.get_motion_path()):
lat, lon = point.to_lat_lon()
time = motion_path_times[-1-point_index]
print ' time: %f, lat: %f, lon: %f' % (time, lat, lon)
Our time range is 90Ma to 0Ma, but since the reconstruction time is 50Ma the output is only from 90Ma to 50Ma.
Motion path: 701 relative to 201 at 50.000000Ma
reconstructed seed point: lat: -26.580350, lon: 5.008040
time: 90.000000, lat: -31.198775, lon: -13.837430
time: 89.000000, lat: -30.982356, lon: -13.166848
time: 88.000000, lat: -30.759877, lon: -12.500510
time: 87.000000, lat: -30.531408, lon: -11.838481
time: 86.000000, lat: -30.297018, lon: -11.180823
time: 85.000000, lat: -30.056777, lon: -10.527593
time: 84.000000, lat: -29.810756, lon: -9.878842
time: 83.000000, lat: -29.621610, lon: -9.269242
time: 82.000000, lat: -29.491452, lon: -8.696601
time: 81.000000, lat: -29.358411, lon: -8.125578
time: 80.000000, lat: -29.222508, lon: -7.556197
time: 79.000000, lat: -29.083766, lon: -6.988478
time: 78.000000, lat: -28.942205, lon: -6.422443
time: 77.000000, lat: -28.797848, lon: -5.858112
time: 76.000000, lat: -28.650717, lon: -5.295502
time: 75.000000, lat: -28.500836, lon: -4.734632
time: 74.000000, lat: -28.348227, lon: -4.175519
time: 73.000000, lat: -28.192913, lon: -3.618178
time: 72.000000, lat: -28.034918, lon: -3.062625
time: 71.000000, lat: -27.874264, lon: -2.508873
time: 70.000000, lat: -27.710976, lon: -1.956935
time: 69.000000, lat: -27.545078, lon: -1.406823
time: 68.000000, lat: -27.376593, lon: -0.858549
time: 67.000000, lat: -27.293542, lon: -0.487339
time: 66.000000, lat: -27.247592, lon: -0.191647
time: 65.000000, lat: -27.201374, lon: 0.103869
time: 64.000000, lat: -27.154887, lon: 0.399209
time: 63.000000, lat: -27.108135, lon: 0.694373
time: 62.000000, lat: -27.061118, lon: 0.989360
time: 61.000000, lat: -27.013838, lon: 1.284170
time: 60.000000, lat: -26.966296, lon: 1.578802
time: 59.000000, lat: -26.918493, lon: 1.873257
time: 58.000000, lat: -26.870432, lon: 2.167534
time: 57.000000, lat: -26.822113, lon: 2.461632
time: 56.000000, lat: -26.773537, lon: 2.755552
time: 55.000000, lat: -26.740310, lon: 3.124328
time: 54.000000, lat: -26.708646, lon: 3.501316
time: 53.000000, lat: -26.676816, lon: 3.878182
time: 52.000000, lat: -26.644823, lon: 4.254924
time: 51.000000, lat: -26.612667, lon: 4.631544
time: 50.000000, lat: -26.580350, lon: 5.008040
Motion path: 701 relative to 201 at 50.000000Ma
reconstructed seed point: lat: -35.733432, lon: 7.829851
time: 90.000000, lat: -40.633500, lon: -12.902754
time: 89.000000, lat: -40.408039, lon: -12.104422
time: 88.000000, lat: -40.175428, lon: -11.312349
time: 87.000000, lat: -39.935768, lon: -10.526635
time: 86.000000, lat: -39.689160, lon: -9.747372
time: 85.000000, lat: -39.435708, lon: -8.974643
time: 84.000000, lat: -39.175516, lon: -8.208522
time: 83.000000, lat: -38.974541, lon: -7.507706
time: 82.000000, lat: -38.835379, lon: -6.868988
time: 81.000000, lat: -38.693052, lon: -6.232683
time: 80.000000, lat: -38.547588, lon: -5.598821
time: 79.000000, lat: -38.399018, lon: -4.967434
time: 78.000000, lat: -38.247371, lon: -4.338547
time: 77.000000, lat: -38.092678, lon: -3.712189
time: 76.000000, lat: -37.934970, lon: -3.088383
time: 75.000000, lat: -37.774279, lon: -2.467151
time: 74.000000, lat: -37.610634, lon: -1.848516
time: 73.000000, lat: -37.444068, lon: -1.232496
time: 72.000000, lat: -37.274612, lon: -0.619110
time: 71.000000, lat: -37.102299, lon: -0.008373
time: 70.000000, lat: -36.927159, lon: 0.599701
time: 69.000000, lat: -36.749226, lon: 1.205097
time: 68.000000, lat: -36.568530, lon: 1.807804
time: 67.000000, lat: -36.480099, lon: 2.202243
time: 66.000000, lat: -36.431745, lon: 2.507959
time: 65.000000, lat: -36.383124, lon: 2.813418
time: 64.000000, lat: -36.334239, lon: 3.118621
time: 63.000000, lat: -36.285091, lon: 3.423567
time: 62.000000, lat: -36.235682, lon: 3.728255
time: 61.000000, lat: -36.186013, lon: 4.032685
time: 60.000000, lat: -36.136086, lon: 4.336857
time: 59.000000, lat: -36.085903, lon: 4.640771
time: 58.000000, lat: -36.035465, lon: 4.944425
time: 57.000000, lat: -35.984774, lon: 5.247820
time: 56.000000, lat: -35.933832, lon: 5.550955
time: 55.000000, lat: -35.899285, lon: 5.924664
time: 54.000000, lat: -35.866424, lon: 6.306060
time: 53.000000, lat: -35.833407, lon: 6.687278
time: 52.000000, lat: -35.800235, lon: 7.068315
time: 51.000000, lat: -35.766909, lon: 7.449173
time: 50.000000, lat: -35.733432, lon: 7.829851
The reconstructed seed point is the same position as the last point in a motion path.