- class pygplates.GpmlTopologicalNetwork
A topological deforming network that is resolved from boundary topological sections and interior geometries.
If an interior geometry is a polygon then it becomes an interior rigid block.
A GpmlTopologicalNetwork can also be pickled.
Added in version 0.21.
Changed in version 0.42: Added pickle support.
- __init__(boundary_sections[, interiors=None])
Create a topological network made from boundary topological sections and interior geometries.
- Parameters:
boundary_sections (Any sequence such as a
or atuple
) – A sequence ofGpmlTopologicalSection
elementsinteriors (Any sequence such as a
or atuple
) – A sequence ofGpmlPropertyDelegate
topological_network = pygplates.GpmlTopologicalNetwork(boundary_sections, interiors)
(boundary_sections, [interiors=None])Create a topological network made from boundary topological sections and interior geometries.
(visitor)Accept a property value visitor so that it can visit this property value.
()Create a duplicate of this property value (derived) instance, including a recursive copy of any nested property values that this instance might contain.
Returns the
boundary sections
in a sequence that behaves as a pythonlist
()Extracts the
if this property value contains a geometry.Returns the
interior geometries
in a sequence that behaves as a pythonlist
([time=0])Extracts the value, of this possibly time-dependent property value, at the reconstruction time.
- get_boundary_sections()
Returns the
boundary sections
in a sequence that behaves as a pythonlist
.- Return type:
Modifying the returned sequence will modify the internal state of the GpmlTopologicalNetwork instance:
boundary_sections = topological_network.get_boundary_sections() # Append a section boundary_sections.append(pygplates.GpmlTopologicalLineSection(...))
- get_interiors()
Returns the
interior geometries
in a sequence that behaves as a pythonlist
.- Return type:
Modifying the returned sequence will modify the internal state of the GpmlTopologicalNetwork instance:
interiors = topological_network.get_interiors() # Append an interior interiors.append(pygplates.GpmlPropertyDelegate(...))