Find divergence at subduction zones and convergence at ridges

This example finds points on plate boundaries:

  • where there’s convergence along boundary sections labelled as mid-ocean ridges, and

  • where there’s divergence along boundary sections labelled as subduction zones

…over a series of geological times.

Sample code

import math
import pygplates

# Create a topological model from the topological plate polygon features (can also include deforming networks)
# and rotation file(s).
topological_model = pygplates.TopologicalModel('topologies.gpml', 'rotations.rot')

# Our geological times will be from 0Ma to 'num_time_steps' Ma (inclusive) in 1 My intervals.
num_time_steps = 140

converging_mid_ocean_ridge_features = []
diverging_subduction_zone_features = []

# 'time' = 0, 1, 2, ... , 140
for time in range(num_time_steps + 1):

    # Get a snapshot of our resolved topologies at the current 'time'.
    topological_snapshot = topological_model.topological_snapshot(time)

    # Define a function so we don't have to write the same code twice.
    def calculate_converging_or_diverging_points(
        Calculate plate boundary statistics along boundary sections with feature type 'boundary_section_feature_type'.
        If 'find_converging_points' is True then find converging points, otherwise find diverging points.

        # Calculate statistics along plate boundary sections labelled with the requested feature type.
        plate_boundary_statistics = topological_snapshot.calculate_plate_boundary_statistics(
                math.radians(0.5),  # 0.5 degree spacing between points
                boundary_section_filter = boundary_section_feature_type)

        # Record points satisfying the converging/diverging criteria (and record their convergence velocities)
        points = []
        convergence_velocities = []
        for stat in plate_boundary_statistics:
            # If unable to calculate convergence velocity at the current point then skip it.
            if math.isnan(stat.convergence_velocity_signed_magnitude):

            # See if current point is converging (if 'find_converging_points' is True) or
            # diverging (if 'find_converging_points' is False).
            if ((find_converging_points and stat.convergence_velocity_signed_magnitude > 0) or
                (not find_converging_points and stat.convergence_velocity_signed_magnitude < 0)):

        # If there were no points satisfying the converging/diverging criteria then return early.
        if not points:
            return None

        # Create a feature containing the points (and their convergence velocities).
        points_feature = pygplates.Feature()
        # Feature only exists at the current 'time' (for display in GPlates).
        points_feature.set_valid_time(time + 0.5, time - 0.5)
        # Set the geometry as a coverage geometry (ie, a multipoint and scalar values).
        # The convergence velocity scalar values will show up in GPlates as a separate layer.
                {pygplates.ScalarType.create_gpml('ConvergenceVelocity') : convergence_velocities}

        return points_feature

    # Find converging points along mid-ocean ridges.
    converging_mid_ocean_ridge_points_feature = calculate_converging_or_diverging_points(
        True)  # find converging points
    if converging_mid_ocean_ridge_points_feature:

    # Find diverging points along subduction zones.
    diverging_subduction_zone_points_feature = calculate_converging_or_diverging_points(
        False)  # find diverging points)
    if diverging_subduction_zone_points_feature:

# Write all points at all times along mid-ocean ridges that are converging.

# Write all points at all times along subduction zones that are diverging.


First create a topological model from topological features and rotation files.
The topological features can be plate polygons and/or deforming networks.
More than one file containing topological features can be specified here, however we’re only specifying one file.
Also note that more than one rotation file (or even a single pygplates.RotationModel) can be specified here, however we’re only specifying a single rotation file.
topological_model = pygplates.TopologicalModel('topologies.gpml', 'rotations.rot')


We create our pygplates.TopologicalModel outside the time loop since that does not require time.

Get a snapshot of our resolved topologies.
Here the topological features are resolved to the current time using pygplates.TopologicalModel.topological_snapshot().
topological_snapshot = topological_model.topological_snapshot(time)