Reconstruct strain and strain rate
This example reconstructs and deforms points through topological plate polygons and deforming networks to find the following quantities over a time period spanning a past geological time to present day:
the reconstructed positions of the initial points,
their accumulated strains (since initial time), and
their instantaneous strain rates and velocities.
This is the equivalent of the deformation export in GPlates.
Sample code
import pygplates
# Create a topological model from our topological features (plate polygons and deforming networks) and rotation file(s).
topological_model = pygplates.TopologicalModel('topologies.gpml', 'rotations.rot')
# Our reconstruction will span from 250Ma to present day in 1 Myr intervals.
initial_time = 250
time_increment = 1
# Reconstruct the initial points through the topological model from initial time to present day.
reconstructed_time_span = topological_model.reconstruct_geometry(
# Get the history of reconstructed positions, strains, strain rates and velocities of the initial points from initial time to present day.
for time in range(initial_time, -1, -time_increment): # initial_time, initial_time - time_increment, ..., 0
# Reconstructed positions at the current 'time'.
reconstructed_points = reconstructed_time_span.get_geometry_points(time)
# The resolved topologies (rigid plates and deforming networks) in which the reconstructed positions are located at the current 'time'.
reconstructed_topology_point_locations = reconstructed_time_span.get_topology_point_locations(time)
# The velocity for each point at the current 'time' in cms/yr calculated with a 1 Myr time interval from 'time+1' to 'time'.
reconstructed_velocities = reconstructed_time_span.get_velocities(
# The accumulated strain and instantaneous strain rate for each point at the current 'time'.
reconstructed_strains = reconstructed_time_span.get_strains(time)
reconstructed_strain_rates = reconstructed_time_span.get_strain_rates(time)
# For each point extract various quantities from its strain and strain rate.
num_reconstructed_points = len(reconstructed_points)
for reconstructed_point_index in range(num_reconstructed_points):
# Dilatation measures the change in crustal area with respect to the initial area around the current point.
dilatation = reconstructed_strains[reconstructed_point_index].get_dilatation()
# Principal-strain is the maximum and minimum strains (along principal axes), and the angle (radians) of the major principal axis (clockwise from North).
max_strain, min_strain, major_azimuth_radians = reconstructed_strains[reconstructed_point_index].get_principal_strain(
# Dilatation-rate measures the rate of change of crustal area per unit area (in units of 1/second) around the current point.
dilatation_rate = reconstructed_strain_rates[reconstructed_point_index].get_dilatation_rate()
# Total-strain-rate measures the strain-rate magnitude (in units of 1/second), including both the normal (extension/compression) and shear components.
total_strain_rate = reconstructed_strain_rates[reconstructed_point_index].get_total_strain_rate()
# Strain-rate-style is a measure categorising the type of deformation.
# A value of -1 represents contraction (eg, pure reverse faulting), 0 represents pure strike-slip faulting and 1 represents extension (eg, pure normal faulting).
strain_rate_style = reconstructed_strain_rates[reconstructed_point_index].get_strain_rate_style()
topological model
from topological features and rotation files.pygplates.RotationModel
) can be specified here,
however we’re only specifying a single rotation file.topological_model = pygplates.TopologicalModel('topologies.gpml', 'rotations.rot')
Next we get our topological model to reconstruct (and deform) our initial_points
from their position at initial_time
to present day in 1 Myr intervals using pygplates.TopologicalModel.reconstruct_geometry()
. This returns a
reconstructed geometry time span
containing a history of the reconstructed
point positions and their associated strains and strain rates that change over time when passing through deforming networks.
Note that points within rigid plates (ie, outside deforming networks) have zero strain rate and hence do not accumulate strain
(until/if they subsequently pass through a deforming network). And since we did not specify the deactivate_points parameter,
the default deactivation is used which matches GPlates (when using ‘reconstruct by topologies’ in a green visual layer).
This means any initial points on oceanic crust could get subducted and disappear (get deactivated).
reconstructed_time_span = topological_model.reconstruct_geometry(
Get the reconstructed positions
at the current time
Note that some of the initial points can be deactivated, in which case the number
of points in reconstructed_points
could be less than initial_points
reconstructed_points = reconstructed_time_span.get_geometry_points(time)
Query in which resolved topologies
(rigid plates and deforming networks)
the reconstructed positions are located at the current time
Note that the number of values in reconstructed_topology_point_locations
matches the number of points in reconstructed_points
reconstructed_topology_point_locations = reconstructed_time_span.get_topology_point_locations(time)
Calculate a velocity
for each point in reconstructed_points
in cms/yr using a 1 Myr time interval from time+1
to time
Note that the number of values in reconstructed_velocities
matches the number of points in reconstructed_points
reconstructed_velocities = reconstructed_time_span.get_velocities(
Query the accumulated strain
instantaneous strain rate
for each point in reconstructed_points
at the current time
Note that the number of values in reconstructed_strains
and reconstructed_strain_rates
matches the number of points in reconstructed_points
reconstructed_strains = reconstructed_time_span.get_strains(time)
reconstructed_strain_rates = reconstructed_time_span.get_strain_rates(time)
For each point, extract various quantities from its strain and strain rate.
For a definition of these quantities please see pygplates.Strain
and pygplates.StrainRate
The dilatation
measures crustal expansion (positive) or contraction (negative),
which is the change in crustal area with respect to the initial area for the current point.
dilatation = reconstructed_strains[reconstructed_point_index].get_dilatation()
The principal strain
is the maximum and minimum strain (along the principal major and minor axes),
where the angle (in radians) is the direction of the major principal axis relative to North (ie, clockwise from North in the range \([0,2\pi]\)).
The principal strains are the change in length per unit initial length (since initial time) in the principal axis directions.
max_strain, min_strain, major_azimuth_radians = reconstructed_strains[reconstructed_point_index].get_principal_strain(
The dilatation rate
measures the rate of change of crustal area per unit area
(in units of 1/second) for the current point. It is positive when expanding and negative when contracting.
dilatation_rate = reconstructed_strain_rates[reconstructed_point_index].get_dilatation_rate()
The total strain rate
measures the magnitude of the strain rate (in units of 1/second).
This includes both the normal (extension/compression) and shear components.
total_strain_rate = reconstructed_strain_rates[reconstructed_point_index].get_total_strain_rate()
The strain rate style
is a measure categorising the type of deformation.
A value of -1
represents contraction (eg, pure reverse faulting), 0
represents pure strike-slip faulting and
represents extension (eg, pure normal faulting).
strain_rate_style = reconstructed_strain_rates[reconstructed_point_index].get_strain_rate_style()