GPlates Python documentation
PyGPlates enables access to GPlates functionality via the Python programming language.
This documentation includes:
Introduction - introduces pyGPlates and covers some advantages over GPlates,
Getting started - installation of pyGPlates and a tutorial to get you started using pyGPlates,
Primer - covers the main areas of pyGPlates functionality and some plate tectonic foundations,
Sample code - documented sample code solving common plate tectonic problems using pyGPlates,
Reference - a detailed reference of pyGPlates functions and classes.
- Introduction
- Getting started
- Primer
- Sample code
- Import
- Load/Save
- Create/query features
- Reconstruct features
- Rotations
- Topologies
- Find average area and subducting boundary proportion of topologies
- Find the total length of ridges and subduction zones
- Find divergence at subduction zones and convergence at ridges
- Find gaps and overlaps in global topological boundaries
- Reconstruct crustal thickness and tectonic subsidence
- Reconstruct strain and strain rate
- Velocities
- Spatial proximity
- Isochrons
- Reference
- Reconstruction
- Topology
- pygplates.TopologicalModel
- pygplates.TopologicalSnapshot
- pygplates.ReconstructedGeometryTimeSpan
- pygplates.TopologyPointLocation
- pygplates.ResolveTopologyParameters
- pygplates.resolve_topologies
- pygplates.ResolvedTopologicalLine
- pygplates.ResolvedTopologicalBoundary
- pygplates.ResolvedTopologicalNetwork
- pygplates.ReconstructionGeometry
- pygplates.ResolvedTopologicalSubSegment
- pygplates.ResolvedTopologicalSection
- pygplates.ResolvedTopologicalSharedSubSegment
- pygplates.NetworkTriangulation
- Velocity and strain
- Rotation
- Plate Partitioning
- File I/O
- Feature
- Feature property
- Feature property value
- pygplates.Enumeration
- pygplates.GmlDataBlock
- pygplates.GmlLineString
- pygplates.GmlMultiPoint
- pygplates.GmlOrientableCurve
- pygplates.GmlPoint
- pygplates.GmlPolygon
- pygplates.GmlTimeInstant
- pygplates.GmlTimePeriod
- pygplates.GpmlArray
- pygplates.GpmlFiniteRotation
- pygplates.GpmlKeyValueDictionary
- pygplates.GpmlOldPlatesHeader
- pygplates.GpmlPlateId
- pygplates.GpmlPolarityChronId
- pygplates.XsBoolean
- pygplates.XsDouble
- pygplates.XsInteger
- pygplates.XsString
- pygplates.GpmlTopologicalLine
- pygplates.GpmlTopologicalPolygon
- pygplates.GpmlTopologicalNetwork
- pygplates.GpmlTopologicalSection
- pygplates.GpmlTopologicalSectionList
- pygplates.GpmlTopologicalPoint
- pygplates.GpmlTopologicalLineSection
- pygplates.GpmlPropertyDelegate
- pygplates.GpmlPropertyDelegateList
- pygplates.GpmlConstantValue
- pygplates.GpmlIrregularSampling
- pygplates.GpmlPiecewiseAggregation
- pygplates.GpmlTimeSample
- pygplates.GpmlTimeSampleList
- pygplates.GpmlTimeWindow
- pygplates.GpmlTimeWindowList
- Geometry
- Vector
- String
- Utility